eBook- Why the Right Hair Products are the Secret Ingredient

Why the Right Products are the Secret Ingredient, A Conversation on How to Navigate the Natural Hair Care Aisle
You’re in a safe space here, your confession is welcomed! Are a self-proclaimed product junkie? Have you wasted a lot of time and money buying products that weren’t right for your hair or that you never even used? If you raised you hand for this don’t worry we’re here to help?
Why the Right Products are the Secret Ingredient, is a conversation about how to navigate the natural hair care isle effectively and efficiently! Since the heavy resurgence of the natural hair care movement that began about 16 years ago, we are now inundated with so, so, many beautifully curated natural hair care brands. Where does one begin? How do we choose when there are so many to choose from?
We know that the hair care isle can be extremely overwhelming and it can be difficult to determine where to begin. I mean what is exactly is pre poo anyway and do you need one? In this book you will learn exactly what a healthy care regimen looks like, what the different types of products are out there, and whether you need them in your routine.
In this book there is no judgment, we keep the conversation light and approachable for those who just want to know what to use on their dry hair. So if you want more information on whether you need a mask or a deep conditioner get your copy today!